Purina UK and Ireland social media house rules

Thank you for visiting our Purina UK and Ireland brand social media channels. We love hearing from you about your experiences, and seeing your comments, links, photos and videos.

To keep it safe and friendly, when visiting our social media channels, we expect everyone visiting this page to follow a few simple rules in their posts, communications and general behaviour:

1. Keep it clean: no indecent or otherwise inappropriate posts.

2. Play fair: no libellous, defamatory, bullying, harassing, threatening or abusive posts.

3. No personal attacks, please: don’t attack people with extreme language or personal criticisms.

4. Stay on topic: no spam, good luck/chain posts, commercial/promotional posts or repeated postings of unconstructive, inflammatory or otherwise objectionable comments/statements.

5. Be original: feel free to share video content, links, photos, videos and text if you have rights to it; if you don’t own it or have permission, don’t post it.

6. Be mindful of people’s privacy: don’t invade other’s privacy or publicity rights; and don’t give out your personal information.

7. Get permission: anybody posting must be above the age of majority in his/her province or territory of residence, unless the posting is by or with the permission of a parent/legal guardian.

8. Keep it true and legal: no misleading or deceptive posts and no posts or activity in violation of any applicable laws or regulations.

9. Introduce yourself: if you are affiliated with Nestlé or Purina (employee, agency, incentivised blogger/brand ambassador, etc.), be sure to let everyone know. Your posts should reflect this affiliation.

10. Your words: Remember that posts by visitors don’t necessarily represent Nestlé or Purina’s opinions.

We reserve the right to remove any users, posts or communications that don’t comply with these House Rules. That being said, we won’t delete posts or communications just because they challenge or question us, as long as they’re constructively submitted and consistent with the guidelines above. Also, just a heads up that any questions submitted can only be answered during regular working hours.

We respect data privacy: our Privacy Notice applies to personal data you share on this page in addition to the platform’s own rules.

Click here to read the Purina UK and Ireland website terms and conditions.

Click here to read the Purina UK and Ireland privacy policy.