Imagine a future where pets and people are better together, even at work! ​A future where taking your dog to work is the norm for most people ​and not a privilege just for a few.

At Purina, we passionately believe that pets and people are better together. We want more people to experience all the amazing benefits that pets bring: from improved health to happier workplaces. That’s why we already helped more than 200 companies across Europe to become pet friendly and we are ready to help you. ​In this page you will discover the proved benefits dogs bring to the workplaces and to employees, clarify all your doubts on how your company or the one you work for can become dog friendly and ​set your own Pets at Work Scheme!

A great success!

Pets at Work Programme

Our Alliance Partners


Pets in the workplace bring many business and health benefits

In Purina we’ve seen first-hand how dogs help reduce stress, encourage socialising and get us moving. They have a positive impact on the office atmosphere and act as a great icebreaker when talking to new people. Being in the office has a positive effect on the dogs too. Dogs are by nature social and affectionate and coming to work offers them the opportunity to spend more time with their owner and to socialise with other dogs and colleagues.​If you’ve never experienced Pets at Work for yourself, you might be wondering why we’re so passionate about welcoming pets into the workplace.​Researches show that having pets in the workplace makes people happier, calmer and more productive, among many other benefits.​In this short video we explain few of the benefits that dogs bring into the workplaces. ​To discover more, continue reading.

Boosting employee wellbeing

Studies have shown that there’s a huge appetite amongst European employees for Pets at Work – but very few companies are pet-friendly. When we asked people about the perceived benefits, here’s what they told:​

  • Dogs help to reduce workplace stress​
  • Pets at Work creates a more relaxed environment​
  • It improves collaboration, facilitates connection and motivation​
  • Encourages productivity and socialisation​
  • Promotes work-life balance​
  • Saves money on daily pet care and encourages pet ownership​


From companies’ point of view, there are many other benefits to take into account:​

  • Pets at Work is seen as a privilege and benefit​
  • It increases attraction and retention of talent​
  • Having Pets at Work is perceived as forward-thinking and people-centred​
  • It creates an inclusive and interactive atmosphere​
  • Proof of higher performance, productivity and inspiration among employees
Researches prove the benefits of Pets at Work In collaboration with Lincoln University and IPSOS

In 2019 Purina sponsored the Lincoln University research:
“Taking Dogs Into the Office: A Novel Strategy for Promoting Work Engagement, Commitment and Quality of Life”
According to the results of this research, employees who often take their dog to work report:

An European survey conducted by Purina in 2017 on pets in the workplace reflected an increasing trend for a pet-friendly working environment. 

Join The Alliance

Please choose the country where you are based. You will then be able to download your Pets at Work toolkit, which contains everything you need to make your workplace dog-friendly.